Actinomycetes is an English language publication intended to promote communication between actinomycetologists. Each yearly volume consists of 3 issues. Contributions must be in English and should be double space typed. Publication is free, however illustrative material will be charged for on a cost basis.
The journal is typeset with an Apple Macintosh 11 and Word 5.0. If your manuscript was prepared on an Apple/Macintosh word processor we can use your disk. Alternatively please supply a 'text only'/ASCII file. Using word processor disks helps to shorten publication times. Please send one copy of the manuscript as well as the disk, indicating for the latter the word processor/computer used and the name of the programme. The disk will be returned if requested.
In addition to scientific contributions, the journal publishes technical reviews and activity reports, book reviews, meeting dates and reports, requests for cultures and/or assistance, announcements, position changes, honours and awards, etc.
To avoid delays in publication, proofs will not submitted to the authors, unless specifically requested. Manuscripts will not be altered, if already typed in the style of the journal.
Reprints are not provided unless requested at the time of submitting the contribution.
Please send manuscripts and all other communications to the Editor:
R.Locci Chair of Mycology, Dip. Biol.Difesa Piante University of Udine Area Rizzi, Via delle Scienze 208 33100 UDINE, Italy [Tel. (0)432-558503, Fax. (0)432-558501]
or to one of the Associate Editors:
H.A.Lechevalier 2, Box 2235 Morrisville, Vermont 05661
S.T.Williams Liverpool University, School of Life Sciences Department of Genetics and Microbiology P.O. Box 147 Liverpool L69 3BX, UK itel. (0)51-70960221