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International Journal of Environmental Research
University of Tehran
ISSN: 1735-6865
EISSN: 1735-6865


Copyright Transfer Agreement 1-Parties of the Agreement Author (Co-authors)

Title of the manuscript

(hereinafter referred to as the “Materials”),

Journal title

“International Journal of Environmental Research (IJER) ”

2. Subject of the Agreement


  1. The Author (and each Co-author) shall transfer and sell to the Publisher for the length of the copyright starting from the moment the present Agreement comes into force the exclusive rights to the Materials, including the rights to translate, reproduce, transfer, distribute or otherwise use the Materials or parts (fragments) contained therein, for publication in scientific, academic, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and in derivative works thereof, worldwide, in English, in print and electronic editions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media or formats now existing or that may exist in the future, as well as the right to license (or give permission to) third parties to use the Materials for publication in such journals, periodicals and derivative works worldwide. The transfer under this Agreement includes the right to adapt the presentation of the Materials for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, reproduction or publication in machine-readable format and incorporation into retrieval systems.

  2. Reproduction, placement, transfer or any other distribution or use of the Materials, or any parts of the Materials contained therein, in any way permitted under this Agreement, shall be accompanied by reference to the Journal and mention of the Publisher, namely: the title of the article, the name of the Author (Co-authors), the name of the Journal, volume/number, copyright of the publisher.

B.Reserved Rights

The Author (Co-authors) or the employer of the Author (Co-authors) of the Materials shall retain all proprietary rights (with the exception of the rights transferred to the Publisher under the present Agreement).

C. Other Rights of the Author (Co-authors)

The Publisher supplies the Author (Co-authors) with permission on the following: 1.The right to use print or electronic preprints of the unpublished Materials in form and matter accepted by the Publisher for publication in the Journal. Such preprints can be placed as electronic files on the Authors’ (Coauthors’) Website, or on a secure public Website of the employer of the Author (Co-authors), but not for the purposes of commercial sale or systematic external distribution by a third party. Likewise, the Author must: Include the following notification into the preprint: “This a preprint of the Materials accepted for publication in IJER.The right to perform free of charge the following actions: to photocopy or transfer to colleagues a copy of the published article, in whole or in part, for their personal or professional use, for promotion of academic or scientific research, or for informational purposes of the employer. 2.The right to use the Materials from the published article in a book written by the Author (Co-authors). 3.The right to use separate illustrations or plates and text fragments from the Materials for his/her/their personal use (including classroom use), for including them into another work, published (in electronic or print format) by a third party or for presenting them in electronic format on an intra/local net, or on a public Website of the Author (Co-authors) or his/her/their employer. 4.The right to include the Materials into lecture notes for classroom use; for free-of-charge distribution of the Materials to students of the Author (Co-authors); or to maintain them in electronic format on a local server, for students to have access to them as part of an educational course; or for internal training programs in the employer’s enterprise.

D. Copyright Notification

The Author/employer hereby agree that each single copy of the Materials (or any part of it), being distributed or placed by them in electronic or print format (as permitted in the present Agreement), shall contain reference to the copyright provided in the Journal and full reference to the Journal of the Publisher.

E.Author’s Guarantee

The Author (Co-authors) guarantees that the Materials are an original work, submitted only to IJER, and have
not been published previously.
In case the Materials were written jointly with Co-authors, the Author guarantees that he has informed them of
the terms of this Agreement and obtained their signatures or written permission to sign on their behalf.
The Author guarantees as well that:
The Materials do not contain libelous statements.
The Materials do not infringe on other persons’ rights (including without limitation copyrights, patent rights and
the trademark right).
The Materials do not contain facts or instructions that can cause damage or injury to third parties and their
publication does not cause the disclosure of any secret or confidential information.

F. Validity of the Agreement.

The present agreement comes into force on the occasion and on the date of pronouncement of the Journal’s Editorial Board of the decision to accept the Materials for publication, and is valid during the period stipulated in Paragraph A, Article 1. In case the Materials are not accepted for publication or the Author (Co-authors) recall the Materials before publication, the present Agreement expires automatically.


(Last Name, First Name, Official Position)

Correspondence Address

E-mail ___________________________
_______________   _______________
(Signature)                 (Date)


Graduate Faculty of Environment University of Tehran No. 25, Ghods St, Enghelab Ave.,Tehran-Iran P.O.BOX.14155-6135

Tel: +98 21 61113188 Fax: +98 21 66407719 Web:http://

(Last Name, First Name, Official Position) Accepted for publication

(Signature) (Date)

Aims & Scopes

International Journal of Environmental Research is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of environment. In pursuit of these, environmentalist disciplines are invited to contribute their knowledge and experience. International Journal of Environmental Research publishes original research papers, research notes and reviews across the broad field of environment. These include but are not limited to environmental science, environmental engineering, environmental management and planning and environmental design, urban and regional landscape design and natural disaster management. Thus high quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of environment are welcomed. Papers may be theoretical, interpretative or experimental.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission

Authors are requested to download the Copyright form and Covering letter web site Please send a completed and signed form either by mail or fax to the International Journal of Environmental Research Office. Manuscripts should be emailed to:


The journal's language is English. British English or American English spelling and terminology may be used. We appreciate any efforts that you make to ensure that the language is corrected before submission. This will greatly improve the legibility of your paper if English is not your first language.

Manuscript Presentation

Manuscripts should be typewritten on A4 paper, with a font Times New Roman of 11 pt, one side only, leaving
adequate margins on all sides to allow reviewers' remarks. Please double space all material. Number the pages
consecutively with the first page containing:

Running head (shortened title)
Full address
for correspondence, including telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.


The text should include: Title, author(s) name and address, an abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussions, conclusion, acknowledgement and references.


Please provide a short abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or references.

Key words

Please provide 5 to 7 key words.


Please avoid notes, but if any, use footnotes rather than endnotes. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text.


Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the References.


All publication cited in the text should be presented in the list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to the authors' name (without initials) and year of publication (e. g. Williams, 2004). For three or more autours use the first autour followed by "et al.," in the last. The list of references at the end of the manuscript should be arranged alphabetically authors' names and chronologically per author: The list of references should be given in the following style:

1. Journal article:

Karbassi, A. R. & Amirnezhad, R. (2004). Geochemistry of heavy metals and sedimentation rate in a bay adjacent to the Caspian Sea. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., v.1, No.3, pp. 199-206.

2. Book chapter:

Cutrona, C. E. & Russell, D. (1990). Type of social support and specific stress: Towards a theory of optimum
matching. (In I.G. Sarason, B. R. Sarason, & G. Pierce (Eds.), Social support: An interactional view (pp. 341-366). New York:

3. Book, authored:

Capland, G. (1964). Principles of preventive psychiatry. (New York: Basic Books)

4. Book, edited:

Felner, R. D., Jason, L. A., Moritsugu, J. N. & Farber, S. S. (Eds.) (1983). Preventive psychology: Theory, research and practice. (New York: Pergamon Press)

5. Paper presented at a conference:

Phelan, J. C., Link, B. G., Stueve, A. & Pescosolido, B. A. (1996, November). Have public conceptions of mental health changed in the past half century? Does it matter? (Paper presented at the 124th. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York)

6. Dissertation:

Trent, J.W. (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California

9. Internet publication/Online document

9.1. Internet articles based on a print source

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S. & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates [Electronic version]. J. Bibliog. Res., 5, 117-123. VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. J. Bibliog. Res., 5, 117-123. Retrieved October 13, 2001, from

9.2. Article in an Internet-only journal

Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from


All photographs, graphs and diagrams should be referred to as a 'Figure' and they should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.). Multipart figures ought to be labeled with lower case letters (a, b, etc.). Please insert keys and scale bars directly in the figures. Provide a detailed legend (without abbreviations) to each figure, refer to the figure in the text and note its approximate location in the margin. Only vlack and white figures must be submitted. The resolution of figure must at least be 300 dpi. Figures that are prepared by excel should be send along with their source of data.


Each table should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.). In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table. Please provide a caption (without abbreviations) to each table, refer to the table in the text and note its approximate location in the margin. The same data should not be presented simultaneously in tables and figures.


Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail (if no email address is available or appears to be out of order, proofs will be sent by regular mail). Your response, with or without corrections, should be sent within 72 hours.


Authors will be asked, upon acceptance of an article, to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher. This will
ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under copyright laws.
The submitted materials may be considered for inclusion but can not be returned.

Additional Information

Additional information can be obtained from:

International Journal of Environmental Research

P.O. Box: 14155-6135 Tehran University Graduate Faculty of Environment E-mail:

Tel: +9821 61113188 Fax: +9821 66407719

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