Information to Authors
The European Journal of General Medicine is the official quarterly publication of the Medical Investigations Society
MANUSCRIPTS are received with the understanding that they are submitted solely to THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL MEDICINE®, that upon submission, they become the property of the Publisher, that the work has not been previously published, and that the data in the manuscript have been reviewed by all authors, who agree with the analysis of the data and the conclusions reached in the manuscript. The Publisher reserves copyright and renewal on all published material, and such material may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher. Statements in articles are the responsibility of the authors. Only papers in English will be considered for publication.
Reha Erkoç, MD, Posta Kutusu 33, 65100 Van, Turkey or email to journal@ejgm.org. The manuscript (preferentially as RTF) and scanned images (preferentially as JPEG) can be send by email as attachment files.
Please include the corresponding author's e-mail, phone and fax number. The cover letter should state the significance and uniqueness of the work in the authors' view. Several names and addresses of nonlocal experts may be suggested who, in the authors' view, could provide objective and informed reviews of their work. The names of investigators considered unlikely by the authors to give nonbiased reviews of their work also may be submitted. This request is honored.
Submit 3 copies (1 original and 2 copies) of the entire manuscript including text, references, figures, legends, and tables. Arrange the paper as follows: (1) title page, which should include the title, the full names and academic degrees of the authors, and the institution and city and state or city and country from which the work originated; (2) second title page, with only the title of the article (page not numbered); (3) abstract; (4) text; (5) acknowledgment; (6) references; (7) figure legends; (8) Number the title page as 1, abstract page as 2, and so forth. (Leave the second title page) Type on 22 28 cm (8.5 11 inch) paper, on 1 side only of each sheet, double-spaced (including references) with at least 25-mm (1-inch) margins.
The second title page, which omits the names and institutions of authors, gives the Editor in Chief the option of acquiring blinded or nonblinded reviews. References to the institution in the text or to the author's previous work in the Reference section must be deleted or written in a manner that prevents identification of authors and institution. Label figures with the manuscript title rather than the authors' names so that blinded reviews can be solicited. Authors should state which type of review they wish in the cover letter.
Computer Disks or Email
Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors are requested to submit either a 3½ HD/DD computer disk or an email (containing the manuscript as an attachment file) to the editorial office. Please observe the following criteria. Send only hard copy or email when first submitting your paper for acceptance and review. When your manuscript has been refereed, revised if necessary, and accepted, send a disk or email containing the final version with the final hard copy. The reference section, figure captions must be within the same file as the manuscript on the disk. Make certain that the disk and hard copy match exactly. In the event that a disk cannot be converted, the hard copy version will be used. Specify what software was used (e.g. Word 6.0, XyWrite, etc.). Specify what computer was used (Apple Macintosh, IBM compatible PC, etc.). The article file should include all textual material (text, references, figure captions, etc.). Final revised figures and tables should be included with the final revised hard copy of the article. The file should follow the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of this journal as given in this Instructions to Authors. The file should use the wraparound end-of-line-feature (i.e., returns at the end of paragraphs only). Place 2 returns after every element, such as title, headings, paragraphs, figure captions, etc. Be sure to keep a back-up disk for reference and safety.
Title Page and Abstract
For the complete title page, include the full first or middle and last names of all authors. List the institution and address from which the work originated, and provide information about grant support if necessary. If work described is supported by a grant from a pharmaceutical company, that fact should be stated on the title page. Add at the bottom the phrase, "Address for reprints:" followed by full name and address with zip code. Add a 2- to 6-word running head. Limit the abstract to 250 words. List 3 to 6 key words for subject indexing at the end of the abstract or Brief Communication.
Use appropriate subheadings throughout the body of the text, such as Methods, Results, and Discussion. Tables, figures, and references should be mentioned in numerical order throughout manuscript. Abbreviations are permitted, but no more than 3 per manuscript, and then they must be used on every page of the manuscript after they are initially spelled out (followed by the abbreviation) in both abstract and introduction. Abbreviations are usually limited to terms in the manuscript's title. Use generic names of drugs. Do not spell out any number, including those less than 10, except when used for opening a sentence, but try not to begin sentences with numbers. Use symbols for less than (<), greater than (>) and percent (%). Indent paragraphs except the first one in both abstract and introduction.Consult the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, published in N Engl J Med 1991; 324: 424-428.
Trade Names
Non-proprietary (generic) names of products should be used. If a brand name for a drug is used, the British or International non-proprietary (approved) name should be given. The source of any new or experimental preparation should also be given.
References should be limited to those relating directly to the content of the paper. List all authors, year, volume, and inclusive pages for all journal references, and specific page numbers for all book references as shown below. Do not use periods after authors' initials or after abbreviations for titles of journals. Check Index Medicus or N Engl J Med 1991; 324: 424-428 as cited above for journal titles and abbreviations. Personal communications and unpublished observations do not constitute references, but may be mentioned within the text. Please note that all authors should be listed when six or less; when seven or more, list only the first three and add et al. Please do not use the footnote or endnote functions in your word processing program.
Journal: Vikse BE, Aasard K, Bostad L, Iversen BM. Clinical prognostic factors in biopsy-proven benign nephrosclerosis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003;18:517-523.
Chapter in Book: Davison AM, Cameron JS, Grünfeld JP, Kerr DNS, Ritz E, Winerals CG. Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology. In Williams G, ed. Mesengiocapillary glomerulonephritis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998: 591-613.
Book: Danovitch GM. Handbook of Kidney Transplantation. Boston: Little, Brown and Company (Inc.), 1996: 323-328.
Submit 3 original unmounted prints of each photograph and drawing. Photocopies are not acceptable. Artwork of published articles will not be returned unless requested. Use black ink for all charts (line drawings). Use arrows to designate special features. Crop photographs to show only essential fields. Identify figures on back by title of the article; omit the authors' names so that blinded reviews can be obtained. Number figures in the order in which mentioned in the text. Indicate the top of each figure. Patients shown in photographs should have their identity concealed or should have given their written consent to publication. Submit written permission from the publisher and author to reproduce any previously published figures. Limit figures to the number necessary to present the message clearly. Do not use 3-D features and unnecessary gray shadings on simple bar charts. Type figure legends on a separate page, double-spaced. Identify at the end of each legend and in alphabetical order all abbreviations in the figure. The cost of color reproduction must be paid by the author.
Place each table on a separate page, typed double-spaced. Number each table in Arabic numerals (Table 1, 2, etc.) and title each table. Identify in alphabetical order at the bottom of the table all abbreviations used. When tabulating numbers of patients, use no more than 2 lines, preferably only l line, per patient. Use a plus sign (+) to indicate "positive" or "present," a zero (0) for "negative" or "absent," and a dash (-) for "no information available" or "not done." Do not use "yes" or "no" or "none." Footnote symbols must appear in this order: *, **, #, ¶, , , §, , etc.
Brief Communications and Case Reports
These should be limited to no more than 6 text pages (those before the references but including the title page) and 20 references. An abstract is not required. Subheadings are not used. Provide a summary sentence at the end.
Readers' Comments
The author who submits a "letter" should provide a cover letter on his/her own stationery to the Editor in Chief stating why the letter should be published. The letter (as well as references) should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet of plain white paper and limited, with few exceptions, to 2 pages. Submit the original and 2 copies. A title for the letter should be provided at the top of the page. At the end of the letter, the writer's full name, city, state and country should be provided. The author's title and institution should not be included. A letter concerning a particular article in the Journal must be received within 3 months of the article's publication.
Price schedules and order cards for reprints are mailed to the author upon publication of the article. Individual reprints must be obtained through the author.
All inquiries regarding copyright material from this publication should be directed to: Medical Investigations Society Posta Kutusu 33, Van, 65200 TURKEY e-mail: journal@ejgm.org Fax: +90 432 2121867