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Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion
Fortaleza University
ISSN: 1806-1222 EISSN: 1806-1222

most recent issue
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2015 28 03
Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion (Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde - RBPS), formerly the Journal of Health Science Center (Revista do Centro de Ciências da Saúde - RECCS), is a quarterly publication of the University of Fortaleza, in circulation since 1984, which aims at the dissemination of scientific knowledge of Health Promotion and is designed for healthcare and related professionals who develop actions and surveys in Public/Collective Health, Health Promotion and issues of relevance and correlation with these areas. Its scope is based on Health Promotion and encompasses policies, healthy environments, community empowerment, development of individual and collective skills and reorienting health services. It publishes articles with quantitative and qualitative approaches, descriptive, analytical and experimental (basic and applied) researches, clinical, epidemiological and environmental studies which have as their ultimate goal the dissemination of scientific knowledge on Collective Health. The content of RBPS is available on the websites and, being freely accessible.

number of articles currently available at Bioline: 521
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